Friday, February 12, 2010

Nothing more than 20 minutes and a snow storm...

For most of my life I have desired to master different talents without anybody knowing. Then, when least expected I would show off the talent and when people stare in amazement at my work, I will just say, "OH, THAT OLD THING?" As if it was the easiest project to complete.

A few years ago I watched Groundhog Day (the movie) and noticed that the main actor does that with piano playing. If you don't know what I am talking about, you should watch the movie. It's a great laugh!!

I have always been a very loyal family member and stay in close contact with as many people as possible. One of my favorite people to talk to is my sister Sarah.

Sarah and I were talking about a church activity I attended, not too long ago . The ladies were learning different talents that others were professionals in. The pottery throwing caught my fancy and I decided to give it a try.

Well, ten minutes later, I sliced away a very unique and beautiful dish. By the time I was done, there were quite a few other women looking on. The teacher then asked me, "Have you done this before?" to which I responded, "Once or Twice!" and thought to myself with a laugh, "OH, THAT OLD THING?"

What they didn't know and what I didn't tell them is; I have a serious interest in pottery and have attended courses in pottery throwing. I am no professional, but I can hold my own.

This experience fulfilled my first attempt at my lifelong desire. It also gave me a heads up on different short-cuts one can take so you can spend less time on your talent or project and get the same, fabulous result.

I am a full-time college student, a wife, a new mother (within the last 3 months) of a 2 year old and a newborn, a part time doula (labor assistant), caregiver to my incapacitated and mentally ill father-in-law, and my husband works 200 miles away from home and gets to visit on some weekends.

Now, I know you are thinking, "How in the WORLD does she do it?"
Don't worry, I am thinking the same thing!!

NO, just kidding!! Actually, It's quite simple. I have a live in Nanny!!

So, your next thought is... WOW, her husband must have a really kickin' income.
HAHAHA!!! You are TOTALLY wrong. We get all our taxes back plus some more for me being in school and having major student loan debt and for having kids.

The truth is, God blessed my life with all these things and He also promised that He would provide a way for me to make it through. In the quite of my prayers, the only thing He asked of me was, "In all things find JOY!"

Believe me, I know exactly what it means to have a long list of TO DO'S and a SHORT amount of TIME!!
Join me in my journey and learn some simple ways to accomplish GREAT THINGS!!