Saturday, August 14, 2010

Weighed Down...

I have been on this particular lifestyle change program for over a month. 37 days to be exact. It's a way for me to stay in touch with reality, lose weight, increase energy, and have more fun with my kids.

Todays Quote for me, from me is: "It's going to be a busy day. You have a whole life of them coming your way! Batten down the hatches and enjoy the freakin' storm. This is a great day to feel the rain on your face and hope for a rainbow to shine through."

My food for the day is written down in a journal, my commitment to my children is to do something outdoors for more than an hour and go to the water for fishing, maybe swimming too.

I am minus 24 pounds and my energy level is 7 out of 10.

I am happy, healthy, TERRIFIC!!

Come back for more LATER!!

Oh, that old thing? Yeah, that's thing is called exercise... I will run 1 mile today!!

1 comment:

  1. You can do anything you set your mind to do! If I can run 13.1 miles then you can do it too!
